SMATV | SACTECH - Sachin Technologies LLC, Muscat, Seeb, Salalah, Nizwa, Sohar, Sultanate of Oman,


SMATV (Satellite Master Antenna TV) is based on the principle of distribution of terrestrial, satellite, analogue and/or digital signals that are received and distributed to multiple television endpoints.

As residential and office building grow in size, an increasing number of subscribers require to have different channel requests. SMATV systems save the need of individual antennas to be installed for each tenant.

Today SMATV systems are becoming a key need for most building infrastructures, such as residences, hospitals, hotels, shopping centers, airports…etc.

At SACTECH, we provide SMATV solutions that provide customers with high quality television signals, backed by outstanding customer service. We have installed SMATV projects for various large buildings, covering thousands of television

SACTECH is a leading IT solutions and services company serving various customers in different industries such as oil & gas, government, logistics, airports, education, healthcare, retail, hospitality, construction, trading, and more…

Contact Us

  • Office 13, Building 245/A, Al Maardih Street, Ghala, Muscat P.O. Box 3236, P.C. 112, Sultanate of Oman.
  • Phone : +968 2411 2111
  • Fax : +968 2411 2221
  • Email :

© Sachin Technologies LLC, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman